Born on June 23, 1994, Connor Jessup is a Canadian actor, writer and director best known for his roles as Ben in the series Falling Skies and for his roles in American Crime, Blackbird and Closet Monster.
He has appeared in the series Locke & Key as Tyler Locke.
He is also a director and producer. He is the producer of the film 30/30 vision: 3 Decades of Strand Releasing. For more information on Connor, read the article below.
Before Fame: He started his career at the age of 11.
Family/ Relationships
Connor Jessup Ethnicity/Religion
Connor was born and raised in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. His parents’ information is not known at the moment. Connor started his career as a child actor at the age of 11 and got lead role in the series Falling Skies in 2011.
Connor Jessup Dating/Sexuality/Is Connor gay?
In June 2019, he publicly came out as gay.
As for his relationship status, it is unknown at the moment. For more information, visit his Instagram.
Profile / Wiki / Information
Personal Information
- Full Name: Connor William Jessup
- Nicknames: Connor Jessup
- Birthday: June 23, 1994
- Age: 25 years old (as of Feb 2020)
- Birthplace: Toronto, Canada
- Current Residence: Canada, United States
- Education: Not Available
- Profession: Actor
- Nationality: Canadian
- Ethnicity/Race: Caucasian
- Religion: Not Available
- Zodiac: Cancer
- Spouse/Girlfriend: Not Available
- Height: 5 feet 11 inches
- Weight: 70 kg (approx)
Trivia/ Facts that you probably didn’t know
- He is a Canadian actor, writer and director.
- He is best known for his role as Ben in the series Falling Skies and in Blackbird and Closet Monster.
- He appears as Tyler Locke in the series Locke & Key alongside Darby Stanchfield.
- He began his career at the age of 11 as a child actor.
- He is openly gay and came out publicly in June 2019.
Memorable Quotes:
Not Available at the moment. For more information, visit our site
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