Born on May 30, 1996, Alexxis Lemire is an English actress and occasional model who is best known for her roles in The Half of It, Cerebrum and the Art of Murder. For more information, read the article below.
Before Fame: She attended Londonberry high School.
Family/ Relationships
Alexxis Lemire Ethnicity/Religion/Nationality
Alexxis was born and raised in Londonberry, New Hampshire. Her parents’ information is not known at the moment.
Alexxis Lemire Affair/Boyfriend
Her relationship status is not available at the moment. for more information, visit her Instagram.
Profile / Wiki / Information
Personal Information
Full Name: Alexxis Lemire
Nicknames: Alexxis
Birthday: May 30, 1996
Age: 23 years old
Birthplace: Londonberry, NH, England
Current Residence: England
Education: Not Available
Profession: Actress
Nationality: English
Religion: Not Available
Zodiac: Gemini
Spouse/Boyfriend: Not Available
Height: Not Available
Weight: Not Available
Trivia/ Facts that you probably didn’t know
- Alexxis is an English actress who is best known for her roles in Cerebrum, The Art of Murder and The Half of It.
- She rose to fame as the girlfriend of the star Jake Short.
- Alexxis joined twitter in 2011.
- She appears in The Half of It as Aster Flores.
Memorable Quotes:
Not Available at the moment. For more information, visit our site
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