When the premiere episode of “1000-lb Sisters” aired on TLC in 2020, viewers who later became ardent fans of the reality television series, were immediately drawn to the maturity that the younger of the two sisters displayed – Amy Slaton instantly gained their support. Naturally, when she introduced Michael Halterman, her husband of three years, fans took a liking to him, particularly when he cheered Amy on, and supported her in the weight loss journey she had pledged to undertake with her sister, Tammy.
‘1000-Lb. Sisters’ Star Amy Slaton’s Husband Michael Halterman Files for Divorce pic.twitter.com/ZgjQz163jb
— People (@people) March 21, 2023
Over the seasons, Michael has fallen from the pedestal on which Amy’s fans placed him as he gradually stopped making as much effort as he did when he was first introduced. In the recently-aired season of “1000-lb Sisters,” Michael fell off the pedestal completely, when an exasperated Amy had enough and walked out of their home, showing all intentions of ending their once harmonious marriage. Amidst the ensuing back-and-forth and ensuing court battle, Amy made a serious and shocking allegation against Michael. Here is everything you need to know about it.
“1000-Lb Sisters”
Amy and Tammy are the stars of “1000-lb Sisters.” When viewers first met the duo, they witnessed a raw and emotional account of the struggles that had prompted introspection and led to a resolve to see a doctor, commit to a joint weight loss journey, and maintain a healthy weight once they completed the journey successfully. At the time, Tammy was over 600lbs while Amy weighed 400lbs, which informed the choice of their show’s name.
In three years and four seasons, both sisters have succeeded in their respective weight loss journeys, albeit at different paces since Amy qualified for and went for surgery within the first year of their pact while Tammy labored through her journey, went to food rehab and even into a coma before finally taking her situation with the seriousness needed before she finally had surgery. She is yet to catch up to Amy but for now, the “1000-lb sisters” no longer have a combined weight of 1000lbs.
Amy became an instant fan-favorite, admired for her kindness, selflessness, and tolerance for her sister. Fans noted that while both sisters had trouble coping with chores, general movement, and physical activity due to their weight, Amy took care of both herself and her elder sister, who needed to be pushed around in a wheelchair. Furthermore, Amy stuck to her diet and exercise plan religiously, while her sister complained the whole time and blamed everyone else for her inability to lose enough weight to qualify for surgery. Third, when Amy’s hard work paid off, Tammy was incredibly rude and mean towards her, even while Amy continued to be Tammy’s carer until the birth of her son, Gage. Fortunately, Amy had a strong source of support in Michael throughout the whole process.
The Slaton sisters are hitting the road! Join Amy and Tammy’s road trip to Atlanta on a new #1000lbSisters starting NOW.
Posted by TLC on Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Michael, the Family Man
Amy’s husband was the only cast member who came close to matching Amy’s positive appeal to the show’s fans and viewers. Like Amy, fans praised him for putting up with Tammy, and helping take care of her without complaining. They claimed that his love and adoration for Amy were evident in the way he looked at her, and flooded the comment sections of clips of the show on YouTube to express their admiration, essentially canonizing him for all he did for the Slaton sisters, while wondering how he and Amy met. The following trip down Michael and Amy’s relationship timeline answers their question.
Michael and Amy’s story began in their teenage years. Their families lived in Dixon, Kentucky, growing up in the same town, where the two went to the same schools. Fate placed them in each other’s path in Union High School, where a beautiful friendship was borne. However, nothing became of their relationship until long after they both matriculated. Once the stars aligned for them and they crossed paths again in 2015, they held on to each other, never letting go until now. They build a strong foundation for their relationship, established the supportive dynamic that fans observed and fell in love with, and decided to bind themselves to each other forever without involving their families and friends – they eloped in 2017.
Two years later, Amy and Michael decided to invite their loved ones to celebrate their union. The beautiful ceremony, held in 2019, made the first season of “1000-lb Sisters,” allowing viewers a glimpse of the love that thrived between the couple. An elated and glowing Amy gushed over Michael in a statement in which she revealed that the ceremony was her way of marking the beginning of her life with Michael; he took to family life with a dedication that had fans swooning. Eager to expand their family, he took the news that Amy needed to lose some weight before she could get pregnant in his stride. He cheered her on in her initial weight loss program, supported her as she healed from the surgery, and held her hand all through her pregnancy until she delivered their firstborn in November 2020, at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. Two years later, the couple welcomed their second child, and decided that the family was now complete at four.

Tumbling off the Pedestal
Michael started his descent down the hill of adoration on which fans had placed him soon after Amy delivered their first child. The workload was manageable in the beginning, but the birth of their second child increased it twofold. As the workload increased, Michael became less and less helpful; according to Amy, Michael left all the childcare and household duties to her. Fans and viewers were inclined to believe Amy when clips of Michael looking disinterested emerged. In one video, Gage and the toddler Glenn are both screaming, as an overwhelmed Amy struggles to comfort them both and give Glenn a bottle. All the while, Michael is sitting close by having a meal, unbothered by his distressed children and exhausted wife.
The incident had hawk-eyed fans combing through past episodes looking for other indications that Michael wasn’t doing enough to take care of his wife and children. His behavior after the birth of their second child immediately came to mind. Michael had tested positive for Covid-19 immediately after Glenn’s birth, but recovered well. All through, Amy, who was still recovering having just been discharged from the hospital, was taking care of both children. When Michael tested negative, and recovered his strength, he didn’t lift a finger to either help Amy with the children or take care of anything around the house while she concentrated on child care. Rather, he placed more responsibility on Amy by expecting her to make his meals, clean-up after him, and generally maintain the house.
Michael fell further short of Amy’s fans and other viewers’ approval when Amy revealed that he refused to support her and the children financially. According to her, Michael withholds money meant to take care of their children, particularly Glenn. Tellingly, he‘s been trying to stop Amy from filming with the children, arguing that they should not be on the show, even if their appearance supplements Amy’s earnings, enabling her to provide for the family.
Domestic Violence Allegations
Just when fans and viewers thought Michael’s behavior couldn’t become any more reprehensible, Amy accused him of domestic violence – on 24 February, the couple got into a fight. According to Amy, the argument started when she was about to take Gage and Glenn out for a meal with Tammy. Michael got angry, became violent, and started throwing things around, prompting Amy to call 911. One of the officers who responded to the call reported that Amy had announced her intention to leave Michael, but he wasn’t having it, prompting the explosive argument. Shortly after the incident, Amy and her two children moved out of their house and went to live with Tammy.
Over the past months, Amy has thrown more accusations of violence at Michael, claiming that he hits their children, and pulls their arms under the guise of disciplining them.
Michael, who has since denied the allegations that he became violent, responded by filing for divorce. In the documents that his lawyer submitted to the court in Kentucky, Michael demanded shared custody, and supported it with claims that he’s been a carer to his children since they were born. However, following Amy’s allegations against him, the court denied Michael’s request for joint custody; instead, the judge allowed him supervised visitation. Until the case is heard and determined, Michael can only see Gage and Glenn if he is accompanied by his mother and sister. Additionally, he cannot discipline them physically.
Michael remains innocent until Amy’s allegations against him are proven in court. However, fans have uncovered a troubling past that strengthens Amy’s case. In 2015, Michael was arrested for domestic violence and charged with assault in the fourth degree, for causing minor injuries to someone. Although no further information regarding the incident is public, some unconfirmed sources reveal that Michael assaulted his ex-wife by striking her in the face. Michael has also been accused of assaulting his grandmother in the past, although those reports are also unconfirmed.
For now, all eyes are on the court, as it prepares to hear and determine Amy’s case against Michael.
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