Born on January 8, 1989, Julissa Calderon is an American actress and producer who is best known for her work with BuzzFeed. The actress and producer appears in the series Gentefied (2020). For more information, read the article below.
Before Fame: She attended University of Florida.
Family/ Relationships
Julissa Calderon Ethnicity/Religion
She was born and raised in New York, US. She is of Dominican descent. Her mother name is Maria.
Julissa Calderon Affair/Boyfriend
As of 2020, her relationship status is not known. For more information, visit her instagram.
Profile / Wiki / Information
Personal Information
- Full Name: Julissa Calderon
- Nicknames: Julissa
- Birthday: January 8, 1989
- Age: 31 years old (as of 2020)
- Birthplace: New York, US
- Current Residence: United States
- Education: America high School, University of Florida
- Profession: Actress, producer
- Nationality: American
- Religion: Not Available
- Zodiac: Capricorn
- Spouse/Boyfriend: Not Available
- Height: 5 feet 6 inches
- Weight: 55 kg (approx)
- Bra Size/ Breast Size: Not Available
Trivia/ Facts that you probably didn’t know
- She attended University of Florida.
- She worked as a waitress before her career in BuzzFeed.
- She is of Dominican descent.
- She is best known for her work with Pero Like.
- She appears in Gentefied.
Memorable Quotes:
Not Available at the moment. For more information, visit our site.
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