Karen Berg is an American politician and diagnostic radiologist who won the special election to succeed state Sen. Ernie Harris in Kentucky. For more information on Berg, read the article below.
Before Fame: Berg attended University of Kentucky and University of Louisville.
Family/ Relationships
Karen Berg Ethnicity/Religion
Berg is an American diagnostic radiologist and politician. Her parents’ information is not known at the moment.
Karen Berg Husband/Children
Karen is married to Bob and they have 2 children. For more information, visit her twitter.
I’m honored to have the opportunity to serve SD-26. A huge thanks to all the volunteers who made calls, wrote postcards, sent texts and pitched in $. This was a team effort and shows KY-ians want leaders who will work across party lines to tackle our biggest challenges. (1/2)
— Karen Berg (@karenforky) June 30, 2020
Profile / Wiki / Information
Personal Information
Full Name: Karen Berg
Nicknames: Karen
Birthday: Not Available
Birthplace: Louisville, US
Current Residence: Kentucky
Education: University of Kentucky, University of Louisville
Profession: diagnostic radiologist, politician
Nationality: American
Ethnicity/Race: Caucasian
Religion: Christian
Spouse/Husband: Bob
Children: 2
Height: Not Available
Weight: Not Available
Trivia/ Facts that you probably didn’t know
Karen is an American politician.
Karen attended University of Kentucky and University of Louisville.
Karen won special election to succeed state Sen. Ernie Harris in Kentucky.
Karen is a member of Democratic Party.
Memorable Quotes:
Not Available at the moment. For more information, visit our site.
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