Born on February 18, 1990, Park Shin hye is a South Korean actress who is best known for her roles in Memories of Alhambra, You’re Beautiful and many more.
She appears as Kim Yoo-bin in the movie #Alive. For more information, read the article below.
Before Fame: Shin hye attended Chung-Ang University.
Family/ Relationships
Park Shin hye Ethnicity/Religion
Park was born in Gwangju, South Korea and has an older brother. She attended Chung-Ang University.
Park Shin hye Affair/Boyfreind
Her relationship status is not known at the moment. For more information, visit her Instagram.
Profile / Wiki / Information
Personal Information
Full Name: Park Shin hye
Nicknames: Shin hye
Birthday: February 18, 1990
Age: 30 years old (as of 2020)
Birthplace: Gwangju, South Korea
Current Residence: South Korea
Education: Chung-Ang University
Profession: Actress, singer
Nationality: South Korean
Ethnicity/Race: Korean
Religion: Not Available
Zodiac: Aquarius
Spouse/Boyfriend: Not Available
Height: 5 feet 6 inches (168 cm)
Weight: 57 kg (approx)
Trivia/ Facts that you probably didn’t know
Shin hye is a South Korean actress.
Park Shin rose to fame for her role in the melodramas Stairway to Heaven and Tree of Heaven.
Shin hye is best known for her roles in Memories of Alhambra, You’re Beautiful and many more.
She appears as Kim Yoo-bin in the movie #Alive.
Memorable Quotes:
Not Available at the moment. For more information, visit our site.
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