Wayne LaPierre is an American gun-rights activist who currently serves as the CEO and executive vice president(EVP) of the National Rifle Association(NRA). He has been serving thе tор аdmіnіѕtrаtіvе роѕіtіоn аt thе Nаtіоnаl Rіflе Аѕѕосіаtіоn since 1999, thus bесoming оnе оf thе wоrld’ѕ mоѕt rесоgnіzеd fасеѕ іn gun rіghtѕ аdvосасу.
LaPierre has worked as a government activist and lobbyist since receiving an M.A. from Boston College. He was also named as one of Time Magazine’s “100 Most Influential People in the World” in 2013.
However, on August 6, 2020, a lawsuit was filed by New York Attorney General Letitia James, that alleges LaPierre along with 3 other top executives has been practicing a culture of self-dealing, mismanagement, and negligent oversight. It also alleged that he used nearly $3.6 million in NRA money over 2 years on unneeded travel expenses and allegedly used NRA funds to pay for private jet flights for himself and his family members.
What is Wayne LaPierre famous for?
- Famous as the CEO and Executive Vice President(EVP) of the National Rifle Association(NRA).
Source: @kc4mcq
Where was Wayne LaPierre Born?
Wayne LaPierre was born on November 8, 1949, in Schenectady, New York, United States. His birth name is His nationality is American. LaPierre belongs to White ethnicity while Scorpio is his zodiac sign.
Wayne was born in a well-to-do family as the eldest child of Hazel Gordon(mother) and Wayne Robert LaPierre, Sr.(father). His father, Wayne Sr. was an accountant for the local General Electric plant. His ancestor traces their patrilineal heritage to a 17th-century French ancestor who emigrated from the Brittany region of France to New France.
When Wayne was just 5 years old, his family moved to Roanoke, Virginia where he was raised in the Roman Catholic church. He completed his education graduating with a Master’s degree in government and politics from Boston College and also attended Siena College for undergraduate previously.
Soon after his graduation, he began working as a government activist and lobbyist and rесеіvеd роѕіtіоnѕ оn thе bоаrd оf dіrесtоrѕ оf thе Nаtіоnаl Fіѕh аnd Wіldlіfе Fоundаtіоn, thе Аmеrісаn Соnѕеrvаtіvе Unіоn, аnd thе Аmеrісаn Аѕѕосіаtіоn оf Роlіtісаl Соnѕultаntѕ.
Wayne LaPierre Resigns As the Leader of National Rifle Association(NRA)
Wayne LaPierre began his career as the Executive Vice President(EVP) and CEO of the largest gun rights and small arms industry advocacy organization in the United States, National Rifle Association(NRA) since 1991. LaPierre actually joined the NRA industry in 1977 initially working as a legislative aide to Democratic Virginia delegate and gun rights advocate Vic Thomas.
As Executive Vice President, LaPierre is in charge of the NRA’s 76 member Board of Directors and directs the organization’s policy. LaPierre has been an outspoken hardliner on gun rights and is no stranger to extreme rhetoric. He has also mobilized the National Rifle Association against Democratic nominees for President in 2004, 2008, and 2012 presidential elections.
In 1995, Wayne wrote a fundraising letter in which he described federal agents as “jack-booted government thugs”. The term was highlighted by United States Representative John David Dingell Jr., Democrat of Michigan, in 1981, referring to ATF agents in 1981.
With the letter written by Wayne, former president George H. W. Bush was so outraged that he resigned his NRA life membership. His letter turned out to be ahead topic of criticism that later, he had to apologize and said that he did not intend to “paint all federal law-enforcement officials with the same broad brush.”
In 2000, LaPierre dug another controversial scene as he said that former President Bill Clinton tolerated a certain amount of violence and killing to strengthen the case for gun control and to score points for his party. In response to December 14, 2012, Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting of 27 people, the deadliest mass shooting in a school in U.S. history, he read a 30-minute prepared statement at a televised media event at Washington’s Willard Hotel.
Following in response to February 14, 2018, Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida, one of the world’s deadliest school massacre, LaPierre delivered a speech on February 22 at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) held in National Harbor, Maryland. For the gun shooting incidents, LaPierre criticized the FBI, the media and gun control advocates.
Allegations against CEO Wayne LaPierre
On August 6, 2020, Thursday, following 18 months of investigation, New York Attorney General Letitia James filed a lawsuit seeking to dissolve the NRA amid allegations that the organization violated non-profit laws by allegedly diverting millions of dollars to executives, relatives of executives and other close associates. The lawsuit alleged that LaPierre, who is NRA’s longtime leader for over 30 years, was using charitable funds for personal gain, and he even gave himself a $17 million post-employment contract which was not approved by the NRA’s board of directors.
It also alleged that he used $3.6 million in NRA money over two years on unneeded travel expenses, used NRA funds to pay for 8 round trip flights to the Bahamas, costing the organization $500,000.
Reportedly, LaPierre spent hundreds of thousands of dollars of the NRA’s money on his own wardrobe expenses, including spending $39,000 in ONE DAY alone shopping in Beverly Hills. As the investigation went on, he allegedly used NRA funds to pay for private jet flights for himself and his family members.
Moreover, the lawsuit is filed against the NRA and LaPierre, as well as treasurer Wilson Phillips, former chief of staff and current executive director of general operations Joshua Powell[12] and general counsel and secretary John Frazer.
Source: @bustle
Who is Wayne LaPierre’s Wife?
Wayne LaPierre is married to his only-wife, Susan LaPierre. Susan is co-chair of the NRA’s Women’s Leadership Forum and an accomplished fundraiser with more than 30 years of experience working on political, charity, and mission-driven causes. She also serves as President of the Board of Trustees for Youth For Tomorrow, a nonprofit residential treatment center. They dated for many years before their marriage held on 1992’s Valentine’s Day. Susan is actually Wayne’s second wife and together they are living a healthy life, however, they aren’t blessed with any child yet.
How Much is Wayne LaPierre’s Net Worth?
Wayne LaPierre has quite great earnings from his professional career as the CEO and Executive Vice President(EVP) of the National Rifle Association(NRA). Serving as the leader of NRA, the largest gun rights and small arms industry advocacy organization in the United States, for over 30 years now, LaPierre has undoubtedly managed to amass a million worth fortune from his day-to-day job.
Through his leadership, he has transformed the NRA from a relatively small organization to one of the most powerful lobbying groups in America.
In 2014, NRA contributions totaled $103 million and LaPierre’s compensation was $985,885. Following year, in 2015, NRA contributions totaled $95 million while LaPierre received a $3.7 million deferred compensation distribution from his “employee funded deferred compensation plan”, and later NRA raised his total annual compensation to $5,110,985.
However, in 2018, the NRA’s annual revenue topped $412 million, while expenses were $423 million.
His salary started from $985k per year with a bonus amount of around $150k. In 2015 he became old enough to receive a $3.7 million distribution from his retirement account. Accumulating all of his incomes and earnings, LaPierre has an estimated net worth of around $20 million.
How Tall is Wayne LaPierre?
Wayne LaPierre is a good looking man in his 70s. He has a well-maintained body build with a height of 1.89m while his body weighs around 72kg.
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