Born on April 5, 1989, Lily James is an English actress who rose to fame for her roles in the series Downton Abbey, and Cinderella and is also known for her roles in War & Peace (series), Darkest Hour, Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again, Yesterday, and in Rebecca as Mrs. de Winter.
For more information, read the article below.
Before Fame: She attended Guildhall School of Music and Drama.
Family/ Relationships
Lily James Ethnicity/Religion
Lily was born in Esher, Surrey to Ninette Mantle and James Thomson. She has two brothers.
Lily James Affair/Boyfriend
Her relationship status is not known at the moment For more information, visit her Instagram.
Profile / Wiki / Information
Personal Information
Full Name: Lily James
Nicknames: Lily
Birthday: April 5, 1989
Age: 31 years old (as of 2020)
Birthplace: Esher, England
Current Residence: England/United States
Education: Guildhall School of Music and Drama
Profession: Actress
Nationality: English
Ethnicity/Race: Caucasian
Religion: Not Available
Zodiac: Aries
Spouse/Boyfriend: Not Available
Height: 5 feet 7 inches (170 cm)
Weight: 58 kg (approx)
Chest Size: Not Available
Bra Size/ Breast Size: Not Available
Trivia/ Facts that you probably didn’t know
Lily is an English actress.
Lily rose to fame for her roles in the series Downton Abbey, and Cinderella.
Lily is also known for her roles in War & Peace (series), Darkest Hour, Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again, Yesterday, and in Rebecca.
Lily appears in Rebecca as Mrs. de Winter.
Memorable Quotes:
I think it’s probably best to work out in the morning to get it out of the way. My ultimate top tip is to drag yourself, even if you have to roll yourself out of your bed and into a sit-up. It’s really not that bad once you start.
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