Where is Big Ang (Angela Raiola)?
Angela Raiola aka Big Ang was a fan favorite on the VH1 reality show Mob Wives which followed the lives of girls who have ties to mob. Regrettably, Big Ang’s popularity in fact TV didn’t continue as long as lovers might have enjoyed as she passed out in February 2016 after a short bout with cancer. Follow us as we show fascinating facts about Big Ang’s life.
My arrival last night at the #mobwives #thelaststand premier party. Thank you to everyone who came out to support me and the show. I also want to thank our sponsors and organizers. I'll be posting more photos later. How great is this photo! Huge thanks to the incredible @estebatogordillo for his amazing work all night. Thank you everyone for your kind words regarding my health. I'm taking things one day at a time and remaining as positive as could be. Love you all so very much.
Major Ang (Angela Raiola) Wiki
She was the niece of the Genovese crime family drug trader and capoSalvatore Lombardi aka Sally Dogs. Big Ang grew up among drug retailers and cartel associates and shortly became integrated in their lifestyle as she started operating mafia hangouts that could eventually become infamous. She had been the owner of The Drunken Monkey,a Staten Island pub, which functioned from 2007 until 2015 as it had been closed down because of her run-ins with law. The majority of Angela’s pubs have been used as hubs for drug trafficking between Brooklyn and New York City. Back in 2001, Ang found herself on the wrong side of this law after she had been detained with a few wraps of cocaine inside her handbag. In addition to 15 other people, she had been detained of narcotics operation. As stated by the New York Police Department (NYPD) that made the arrest, Ang had close ties with a drug dealer who had been serving time in prison. Advice on her actions was accessed via a undercover agent who posed as a fellow drug trafficker. Ang was indicted about 6 felony counts. She pleaded guilty and was liberated on $100, 000 bond. She had been in 2003 sentenced to 3 decades of probation with a condition to stayed home-confined for four weeks. Ang was one of the 9 from the 15 indicted who escaped prison time. Long after all her problems with the law was settled, Big Ang at 2011 tried her hands at reality TV. Large Ang’s epic character garnered her many lovers and finally made her the series ‘s breakout star. She moved on to evaluate her own spin-off series titled Large Ang. After running for a single year with 10 episodes, Large Ang has been retooled to a different spin-offentitled Miami Monkey. The title of this spin-off has been gotten from Ang’s Miami division of the Staten Island pub. She’d transferred to Miami to have the series filmed, but after the closing down of her pub by police because of her prior felony charges, Miami Monkey was canceled inJuly 2014. Angela’s fame attracted her other gigs such as a look inScary Movie 5 (2013) because the actual Housewife and inStaten Island Summer (2015). The latter became her final TV appearance ahead of her passing.
Who says you can't celebrate #Christmas in July? @raquelvh1 would like to thank @natalisarabella… https://t.co/WQHUqKU4ku
— Angela Raiola (@biggangVH1) July 15, 2016
Before Operation, Death
Ang at March 2015 started feeling excruciating pains in her throat and immediately sought medical care. She had been diagnosedwith strep throat and put her on antibiotics that did nothing to lessen the pains. Approximately two weeks after, Ang seen a throat specialist who diagnosed her with throat cancer after locating a tumor the size of a lemon in her lungs. An immediate operation was completed and all thetumor eliminated, but it had been too late for Angela since the cancer had spread to different parts of the body including her brain and lungs. She had been put on chemotherapy that did just little to suppress the disease. Angie, prior to her death, warned that the public of the risks of smoking as her departure to cancer has been due to 40 decades of smoking — Ang would smoke a minumum of one pack of smokes every day. “Should you’re smoking, stop today, and should you’ve never smoked, then don’t begin,” that the husky-voiced star cautioned. After her departure, her Mob Wives co-starsher family like her husband Janine Detore who seemed Mob Wives, and her kids chose to social websites to deliver tributes.
#2015bestnine Looking back at some of these pics… I just want to say thank you for all of the love my babies! I had some awesome moments in 2015 between the public appearances and shows like Wife Swap, MW season 5, CELEBrations with David Tutera, and Couples Therapy, plus my two new grandchildren were born, with another on the way, I had great moments with family and friends, enjoyed meeting a lot of you, and other faces in the business. I even experienced the one battle that made me value everything I have, and I beat it, and am planning to do it again! These are the things that will keep me going strong with as positive an outlook as I can have. Thank you for sharing this ride with me through social media, and let's look ahead to the New Year with great outcomes for us all. Love you all! xo Big Ang
Husband — Neil Murphy
Big Ang wed a certainNeil Murphy at 2009, they stayed married till her passing. Although the couple had become split, Neil failed to remain beside his wife during her sick times. Picture source Following Angela passed, Niel took into his social networking accounts to place many sweet memories of himself and Ang.
Taking a minute to send love to the UK fans! Angela would've loved the fact that you all LOVE her & #MobWives airing across the pond!
— Angela Raiola (@biggangVH1) July 10, 2016
Big Ang left two kids such as daughter RaquelDonofrio and sonAnthony Donofrio aka AJ. She had them out of wedlock. Her daughter Raquel was the very first to be born, her birthday January 13th, 1985. Despite increasing her children as a single parent, Big Ang did let her daughter Raquel to stay close ties with her dad called Robert. She served as her auntie Janine’s maid of honour in her wedding. Picture source Unlike her mother, Raquel didn’t follow in the gang life. She’s two masters level and can be married with children. The son of Large Ang is married. Large Ang’s kids made her a grandma to 6 children. She was 55 years old. RIP Big Ang.
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